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"Life's not about waiting for the storms to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain."
~ Vivian Greene

Tourmalinated Quartz

Tourmalinated quartz is clear quartz that has tourmaline growing in and through the clear quartz body. The tourmaline is black tourmaline and they range from thin threads to thick columns. Below, I’ve listed the properties of both black tourmaline and clear quartz. The energies compliment each other, amplify each other and offer a combined, powerful energy.

Black Tourmaline is used to both repel and protect against negativity. It acts to protect one from being victimized by the negative energy of another. It provides for an increase in ones physical vitality and emotions stability. It is said to awaken our inner altruism.

Quartz is known as the “stone of the mind”.  It is excellent for focusing energies and for focusing direction. Used to help concentrate, quartz is an excellent source of increased mental abilities. Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Clear quartz is easy to cleanse, to store information or energy in, and to  program or amplify energy in which to aid healing. It can both draw and send energy.

It is used extensively in meditation, spiritual development and healing.  Clear quartz is used to bring the energy of the stars into the soul. The natural tendency of quartz is for harmony and this it is also recognized as the “stone of power”.Together these two mineral provide an excellent protective energy, focused and amplified to encircle the user in a field of almost impenetrable light.

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